Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Del.icio.us Findings

What is the webpage / service?

Review Web Site

How will it help someone?

What Paintball Review is, its a web site desined to rank paintball guns, stores, and fields all done by other players and online reviewers.

Are there any other pages like it? Is this a new idea?

This isnt really a new idea becuse its been out for awile i have no idea if there is any other web site out there like this all i know is Paintball Review is the best out of all the ones i have visited.

How could this help you?

This could really help anyone that is intristed in paintball becuse it gives reviews on all the paintball guns and fields and even stores in your area or around the state. This is good for when you are looking to buy a new gun and you dont know what to get or when ur looking for a store or a field to buy stuff from or play at this is a very good idea to look at the quality of what other players think about the field.

How did you tag this page and why?

I taged this as paintball, review, prices, fields, sport, and prices becuse it really covers everything on this web site.


What is the webpage / service?

Gaming League On LAN

How will it help someone?

Well i think its only helpfull if you were a gamer becuse if you dont like gaming then it would be bad. This web page is the league thats going to change the face of gaming perid becuse it itroduces money to the source communtity and its now hosted by direct tv so its featured live and will get more kids and adualts intristed in gaming in general.

Are there any other pages like it? Is this a new idea?

Yes, There are alot of difrent online gaming leagues and LAN leagues, But this is the 1st one of its kind bringing TV into the gaming league so regual people can just tune onto the chanle and watch.

How could this help you?

Well this web site could help me in convincing my dad and mom that video games arnt just a toy especally in the compeitive part of Counter strike and other games. Games arnt just things to play its a part of math and reaction becuse you need to know what you want to do to outsmart people that are older then you or no out shoot them witch takes more work then you think.

How did you tag this page and why?

Well I taged this page as: Gaming, Css, PGR3, Counter Strike, Online, Sport. Mainly becuse its explanes everything about the web page Css, and Pgr3 are bolth games involved with the Champianship Gaming series.

What is the webpage / service?


Informational Web Site

How will it help someone?

This page will help someone learn how to fix the difrent flaws in the game of counter strike.

Are there any other pages like it? Is this a new idea?

Yes there are alot of other website allike this becuse counter strike is a popualr game and its very commen to see web pages like this on the internet but i chose this one to help myself becuse i wanted to know how to fix the bad stuff in my game it it helped alot for me.

How could this help you?

Helped me fix my choke and lag for the game and i can reg my shots alot better then when did have nothing in my regestry files.

How did you tag this page and why?

I taged this as: Informational, Counter Strike, Source, Css, Help, Review, and gaming. I chose these tags becuse it explanes everything on the web site.

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